Come Again, Another Day

Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day.

I don’t think we had enough rainy days in Alberta for this nursery rhyme to be a staple of my yute, exactly, but it comes from somewhere a long way back. I might have had more use for an incantation to banish or at least admonish snow.

Snow, snow, what the hey?
Go away, it’s May today.

Ottawa’s weather is a tad wetter than Alberta’s, which gives me the opportunity to get photos of everything rain, from big storms to raindrops on roses. And on leaves. Although getting the focus right is harder than I would have thought, they’re another reminder to #justbreathe.

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12 Responses to Come Again, Another Day

  1. Tom Watson says:

    Beautiful shots, Isabel.

  2. The grandeur of simple things that takes me back to the wonder I felt in childhood when first noticing them. I’m glad the little gardens are luxuriating in a long drink of rain because the colours in the trees and bushes are unmistakable now and their days are numbered.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Laurna – We’ve just had the first taste of fall colours. They should be excellent here this year – we’ve had lots of rain.

  3. Lovely! Small drops made large. Inside, a wealth of beings.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Judith – Van Leeuwenhoek’s wee beasties? I admit I don’t choose to think of them very often either!

  4. Jim Taylor says:

    For one of our book covers, I managed to take a picture of a drop of water (actually, glycerin, because of its higher viscosity) falling off a leaf and forming a perfect lens. Upside down, but still showing the view on its far side clearly. A few of your drops in the third picture are doing it, but too small to examine.

    Jim T

  5. Nicely seen and caught in pixels Isabel

  6. Mary Gibson says:


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