Shoreline, Isle of Skye

Having grown up in Calgary, I’m used to changeable weather and to folks who take pride in that changeable-ness.

Calgary ain’t got nothing on Skye. In the few days we were there, we saw one squall after another sweep in and then dissipate, leaving behind beautiful light like this.

Bands of shades of green leading down to the North Sea.


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6 Responses to Shoreline, Isle of Skye

  1. Ralph Gibson says:

    Nice !

  2. Alison says:

    Looks like you’re standing on a golf course? lovely view!

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Alison – It looks like it doesn’t it? But as I recall it was just the fields down the hill from our lunch spot. Amazing what a steady ration of rain will do for a landscape . . .

  3. Janice says:

    Beautiful! Lovely shades of green and blue.

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