Category Archives: Appreciating Deeply

The wonder of beauty, bravery, strength, accomplishments, and effort expended.

Happy Warriors All

L’chaim! To life! Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Feeling Clearly, Thinking Broadly | Tagged , | 8 Comments


False? Wise? You be the judge. Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Laughing Frequently, Photos of Built Stuff, Photos of Flora | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Ooh, Brr

Add this to the “What the colonel meant to say” file. Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Laughing Frequently, Wired | Tagged , , | 12 Comments

What the Eye Doesn’t See

The photo editor will grieve over? Something like that. Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Photos of Fauna, Photos of Flora | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Life is not . . .

Seeing was believing; photographing, rather less so. Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Photos of Landscapes | Tagged | 8 Comments

Just Like That

It’s kinda like flossing, yeah? Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Day-to-Day Encounters, Thinking Broadly | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

Scenes from the Left Coast

Travel, see new stuff. Repeat. Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Photos of Fauna, Photos of Flora, Photos of Landscapes | Tagged , , , , , | 9 Comments

Long Periods of Boredom

Steady as she goes, until she doesn’t. Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Feeling Clearly, Photos of Fauna | Tagged , , | 11 Comments

Bunny & C.S. Lewis

More thoughts on Bunny’s unauthorized side-trip. Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Feeling Clearly | Tagged , | 12 Comments