Category Archives: Laughing Frequently

Finding and celebrating the humor/humour in our world, our lives, and (oops) ourselves.


Read you loud and clear? If only. Continue reading

Posted in Feeling Clearly, Language and Communication, Laughing Frequently | Tagged | 17 Comments


False? Wise? You be the judge. Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Laughing Frequently, Photos of Built Stuff, Photos of Flora | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Ooh, Brr

Add this to the “What the colonel meant to say” file. Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Laughing Frequently, Wired | Tagged , , | 12 Comments

The Disorientation Express

Sometimes the weirdest part of the flight happens on the ground. Continue reading

Posted in Feeling Clearly, Laughing Frequently, New Perspectives | Tagged | 8 Comments

Death by Category

There are limits to the behaviour that a civilized society can accommodate. Continue reading

Posted in Laughing Frequently, Thinking Broadly | Tagged , | 24 Comments

Excavations Ahoy!

The moral of the tale? Think before you file. Or burn the house down every 10 years. Continue reading

Posted in Laughing Frequently, Photos of Built Stuff | Tagged | 14 Comments

Bunny & Tigger

When planning is over-rated. Continue reading

Posted in Laughing Frequently, New Perspectives, Thinking Broadly | Tagged , | 6 Comments

The Light Shines . . .

More baseball adventures. Continue reading

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Laughing Frequently, Photos of Built Stuff, Photos of Landscapes | Tagged , | 9 Comments

It’s a Long Weekend

More help with that pesky calendar. Continue reading

Posted in Laughing Frequently, Through the Calendar | Tagged | 10 Comments