National Treasure #2: Terry Fox

He could be a Greek hero, with that curly hair. Except for the t-shirt.

Head and torso shot of Terry Fox Memorial.

As it turns, out, though, he’s one of us: a Canadian hero. More, he’s one of the threads that bind us together as Canadians.

Terry Fox Memorial

I get that stoic, determined face on the statue, but the photos of him on the Terry Fox Foundation site show a more relaxed demeanour. He had an engaging smile, and his Marathon of Hope engaged our hearts and continues to motivate fundraising runs around the world for cancer research.

This is one of a series on Canadian national treasures: my sesquicentennial project. They reflect people (living and dead), places and things that I think are worth celebrating about our country, and are done in no order of precedence.


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2 Responses to National Treasure #2: Terry Fox

  1. I read his book. An exceptionally determined young man. The pain alone would have stopped 99% of other people doing what he did. He owned his disability, turned it into something more lasting and important — and well deserves commendation.

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