Hot Peppers, Ottawa

This is post #515 on this site since January 2011.
I would have drawn attention to post #500, but I forgot.

I think every person walking by this Byward Market stall stopped to take a picture of these peppers glowing in the late afternoon sun.

In getting this post ready, I learned two things about habaneros:

  • They don’t use the tilde over the “n,” as jalapeños do.
  • They’re the round-ish ones, not the long stringy ones.

Variety of hot peppers hanging in outdoor stall.

Close-up of hot peppers haning in outdoor stall.

I was reminded again of how hard it is to establish a conceptually strong classification scheme. I put my photo posts into one of four categories:

  • Built stuff
  • Flora
  • Fauna
  • Landscape

I’m a little puzzled how to categorize this one. The only thing I’m sure of is that it isn’t “fauna.”


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6 Responses to Hot Peppers, Ottawa

  1. Jim Taylor says:

    Not fauna? Hey, take a bite of one of those habaneros and you’ll be hopping around with a mouth on fire looking like a dancing fawn-a.
    Jim T

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Jim T – I don’t like to even think of the fauna that might be inhabiting the veggie stand. I love nature as long as bugs stay away from me. As for eating habaneros, no thanks.

  2. Judith says:

    Unlabeled, no one would think this was an Ottawa picture!

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Judith – Hah! Likely right. I remember being surprised to discover that hot peppers grew here – and were hot.

  3. Flora. Hot peppers are easily grown. How hot? Our car mechanic learned that our son Dan reserves a considerable patch of his garden for peppers. As he also farms, he sent four samples of his crop in a small auto parts box for Daniel to sample, the small red one of which is reportedly 450,000 times as hot as the banana peppers Dan favours. Those little fireballs in your stunning photo may be hot enough to cause burns and illness. Pretty, though!

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Laurna – Yes, I appreciate most peppers from a distance. I saw teeny tiny ones in Guatemala and figured (rightly, I think) that they were dangerous in inverse proportion to their size.

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