After acceding to the campaign crew’s wishes to visit Parliament Hill one last time – thereby baffling numerous cheery Chinese tourists who nevertheless grabbed the opportunity to get photos with the crew – I went on an impromptu photo shoot. As the fog lifted, my best shot was this delightfully distorted reflection of the West Block in an office building across the street.
I love the reflection; it reminds me somewhat of Bizarro world (Superman comics) but I think the colours are what really appeal to me. Also, I hesitate to point it out but I believe a typo gremlin has been at work: your first sentence should probably read “one last time”.
Marion – Thanks – for both! Never hesitate to point out a typ0… 🙂 Goodness knows I don’t want them.
Wow, Isabel. What an incredible reflection!
Tom – So much beauty, eh?
“The Persistence of Political Memory”?
Laurna – I wonder how many reflections I could find of Parliament Hill if I went looking. I did find one a few blocks straight south in a narrow mirrored tile angled just right.
Reflections of/on the Parliament buildings can be one section in your show. Your photos are that good, you know.
Laurna – You’re very kind. I see the work of other photographers (good amateurs, semi-professionals, and professionals) and consider it well beyond my efforts. On the other hand, I love doing it, and that’s enough.
the warped result looks Gaudi
Barry – It does, sort of. Here are samples of Gaudi’s look for those interested.