And the mood strikes again, so here’s another photo of a helicopter from the Pima Air and Space Museum.
What kind? Dunno. I just like the shape.
Although I did have to resort to extreme cropping to get rid of the bare tree branches that photo-bombed the original.
And.. you have a face there (only one eye).
Barbara – Hmm. I don’t see that. If the red bits could be eyes, though, I could make that work.
My kind of photo – graphic and unexpected! “Resorting” to editing is an unknown concept. Refining photos and every kind of artwork is a norm.
Judith – I stand refined. π But I would have liked to keep the whole of the tail.
Nice image, makes you stop and look to work it out.
Jim R – Many thanks.
Ah, yes, cropping. People understand it in relation to visual art. Would that they might apply it to verbal art.
Jim T
Jim T – To know what I want to say and to say it isn’t nearly as tough as not saying anything more, that’s for sure. (The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as it were.)
Outstanding comment!
There you go, Jim. An endorsement.
Isabel- the red bits are the earrings! And perhaps she’s winking?
Alison – All y’all are weird . . .
YES! π
That YES! was meant to be aimed at Alison — not your “weird” comment about your faithful followers…. Besides, NOBODY is normal (what that is) and to try to be, to me, is weird.
Barbara – Yeah, I figured. π Maybe this photo wants to be one of those psychological tests (Do you see a young girl or an old woman, that sort of thing.). Do you see eyes or earrings? Or none of the above . . .