Some Facts
- Daughter of an Ojibwe woman who graduated from residential school and went on to become a teacher. – Global News
- First Indigenous woman to graduate from the University of British Columbia’s medical school at the top of her class. – CBC Radio
- Canada’s first female First Nations surgeon. – Global News
- Earned a Master’s degree from Harvard University in Public Health during her surgical residency at UBC. – Wikipedia
Some Flavour
- Star basketball player for the women’s team at Simon Fraser University. – Global News
- Committee work reflects her focus on Aboriginal health and Canadian health policy:
- Advisory Committee on Provincial Health Goals (members selected by BC Minister of Health)
- BC Medical Association – Committee on Health Promotion
- Native Physicians Association of Canada
- BC Medical Association’s Committee on Aboriginal Health (currently, the Chair)
Some Personality
- CBC Radio podcast (22 minutes)
- Mansbridge One on One (22 minutes)
Thank you for the introduction to another inspiring woman, Isabel. Your diligence is our delight.
Laurna – Just paying forward an introduction from someone else. I like these success stories.
Thank you for introducing me and your followers to Dr Nadine Caron. She is a great contributor and we are grateful for her relatively unacknowledged work and dedication.
Judith – Thanks. It makes me tend to believe Laurna’s point from when I started this, that there are many many national treasures out there. Dr. Caron would seem to be a special star, though.