Critter Faces, Florida

I like the photos that are recognizably birds.

I like the dramatic shots of birds doing birdy things.

I like the shots of birds in flight, even when they’re a bit fuzzy.

And I like the shots of birds and other critters where someone looks back at me. I got four of those on this trip.

Orange and blue-gray iguana staring at the cameraPalm warbler staring straight into camera lens

Little blue heron looking at camera, with head cocked

Anhinga looking at camera, with neck curved oddly


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8 Responses to Critter Faces, Florida

  1. Jim Robertson says:

    Like ’em all but especially the iguana

  2. Curiouser and curiouser.

  3. Jim Taylor says:

    Swim goggles?

  4. Judith Umbach says:

    So do I. If only they had cameras.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Judith – LOL. That will likely be someone’s next art project: equipping some smart animals with cameras.

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