Mid-Week Movie #18: Windsurfing

For someone who isn’t very sporty, I find it a bit odd that I’d be doing two sports videos, back to back, except for two private birthday videos for grandchildren, that is.

But these wetsuit-clad and balaclava-wearing surfer dudes were fun to watch, even from the breezy, brisk, and rainy shoreline last November.


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12 Responses to Mid-Week Movie #18: Windsurfing

  1. Tom Watson says:

    I’ve always wanted to try that. But having seen your video…

  2. Marilyn Smith says:

    Hi Isabel, Go to 1:38 of your video and add that image to your array of visages! Or perhaps it’s already there! Now you have me looking! And this sport may also have potential in the summer Olympics! Fun to watch!

  3. Marilyn Smith says:

    Sorry — I meant 0:22-0:23!

  4. Vince says:

    Neat! Was that the Big Guy in the red gear with his back to us?

  5. John Whitman says:

    Isabel – Being me I have to mention that I think the technical term for what you are showing is para-surfing. I did some windsurfing once and that was with a surfboard that had an actual sail attached to it. That fad passed and moved on to using a para-sail.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      John – Being a shortened form of parachute, I guess? Well, OK. But it works so much better in my title as windsurfing.

      • John Whitman says:

        And if you want to consider windsurfing a generic term, then technically they are surfing using the wind as their motive power as opposed to gravity on the front side of a wave; therefore. they are indeed windsurfing. Isn’t English a wonderfully flexible language when you want it to be?

        • Isabel Gibson says:

          John – “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master-that’s all.”

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