Today is a Palindrome Day in all date formats (UK, USA, ISO).
It’s also a palindrome day of the year (33)
and there are a palindrome number of days left in the year (333).
Quite a unique day!
– Solihull School Maths Department, on Twitter
Now, if I’d been paying better attention I would have written about today (02/02/2020) in time for last week’s email. But here we are.
It’s been 909 years since a similar day and it will be 101 years until another such, so I hope you enjoy(ed) the moment.
Well, I sure missed the first occurrence. Are you suggesting I might not be around for the next?
Tom – You can manage your celebrations based on your own expectations. Me, I decided not to wait for the next one.
I wondered why you weren’t commenting?? but I did appreciate the day and its significance.
Alison – Just asleep at the wheel.
I knew a gay couple got married on a similar numbers day. They were very excited about it. (Eludes me.)
Barbara – We would have tried to get married on 06/06/06 but the Big Guy had a golf weekend of many years standing that took precedence. And likely we couldn’t have got a booking anyway.
909 years ago? “Ah yes, I remember it well,” — Maurice Chevalier in Gigi
Jim T
Jim – 🙂 Also, I figure that 909 years ago folks weren’t using any of the date formats referenced (US, UK, ISO) but, hey.
Let’s see: II II MMXX, nope, not palindromic.
Jim T
Jim – 🙂
Obviously, not that many of us remember it as well as you and Maurice Chevalier.
Oh, oh – fight’s on, Jim.
I was thinking of you on 20200202. And had one legitimate occasion on which to write the date!
Judith – Excellent!