A Small More than 10%

Sputnik V vaccination has begun in Slovakia.

It starts out strong. Well, strong enough. I wouldn’t use vaccination in the singular here, but that’s a quibble. It’s clear: Short sentences are less likely to get a shaky writer in trouble. As if to prove the point . . .

The announce of the Russian vaccine to the homeland
was accompanied nearby a political calumny
and led to the abdication of Prime Succour Igor Matovich
and a restructuring of the government.

Meh. You say announce; I say announcement. Let’s call the whole thing off before we’re accompanied nearby (I say by) calumny, political or otherwise. No indefinite article required, although an abdication and a governmental restructuring are definitely definite outcomes. And ones that I might welcome in pretty much any jurisdiction to which I am subject, party lines be dagnabbed.

As a denouement, the country received the Russian vaccine,
in spleen of the genuineness that neither the European regulator
nor the WHO has until instanter approved it.

My head is starting to tilt, my eyes to squint, as if that will help. I’m not sure how receipt of the Russian vaccine could draw together the strands of any plot, or explain or resolve anything, but I’m more open to the rest of it. Many times in the past year I, too, have received things in spleen. Not, I admit, always over genuineness, or maybe ever, but still. Spleen for sure. Often only instant, because at my age instanter is hard to come nearby.

In neighboring Hungary,
which approved the fritter away of Sputnik in February
as the anything else in Europe,
more than 50% of the mature natives
has already been vaccinated;
in Russia, a small more than 10%.

Ah, to have the opportunity to approve the fritter away of anything, or anything else for that matter. I wonder how they did it. I picture cars with loudspeakers going through the streets of the homeland’s neighbour, putting the question. In Hungarian, of course, but translated below for your convenience.

It’s February.
Do you approve of the fritter away of Sputnik?
As anything else in Europe?

But I wonder, too, how they recorded the results; how people expressed their democratic will. Mail-in vote? A show of hands? Interpretive dance? Oh, oh . . . videos, maybe?

(On a side note, I think I have the wording for the next sovereignty vote in Quebec: Do you approve of the fritter away of Canada?)

Anyway, it’s sort of a leading question, don’t you think? To me, it invites a “No.” And yet, more than 50% of the mature Hungarian natives have already been vaccinated. And, what, 60% of the immature ones? Who does this classification? I hope not WHO.

In Slovakia, five thousand people
signed up towards the Sputnik vaccination.

Given that the population of Slovakia is about 5 million that’s only, let’s see, one in a thousand who signed up. And not for it, you understand, only towards it. The lack of participation was matched only by the lack of enthusiasm.

But it turns out that this communication is not really about democracy in Slovakia, or vaccination take-up in Hungary or in Russia — a small more than 10%! — it’s about looking for a blogging coach.

Tell me, would you be able to help me
with blogging at least in the first stages?
You can impute to another article
on this matter
at this association.

You know, I’m sure I *would* be able to help, but it seems like a bad start to our professional relationship to ask me to click on a link. It makes me, I don’t know, impute impure motives to you. So, I think I’ll just stand nearby. I’d hate to fritter away the trust we’ve so painstakingly established. As anything else.


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6 Responses to A Small More than 10%

  1. Hmmmm. Good decision.

  2. Jim Taylor says:

    Maybe perhaps you to the person bloggering merely send link to Chicago Manual of Style?

    Jim T

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Jim – Pretty sure that wasn’t the point of the interaction. There aren’t many dishonest people in the world but they cause a lot of trouble.

  3. John Whitman says:

    Isabel – I think you’ve been working on that “project” waaaaaaay too long!

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      John – I don’t *always* agree with you, but I sure do this time. 🙂

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