All the Way Down

“Turtles all the way down” is an expression
of the problem of infinite regress. – Wikipedia

Yeah, that’s definitely how I’d explain it: infinite regress.

Anyway, the week before last I was out on a blessedly finite errand and came across reflections all the way down.

The first layer is the building in front of me; the second layer (and first reflection) is the building in back of me; the third layer (and second reflection) is the reflection in front of me of the building in front of me in the building in back of me. Kinda fun.

As is the fun-house of optical distortions from angled reflections.

Thank goodness for errands, eh?

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8 Responses to All the Way Down

  1. What a memorable way to teach me to keep my eyes open and my mind off the tedium of my errands! I am as charmed, delighted, and amused by your descriptions of the images as by the images themselves.

  2. Tom Watson says:

    You have to be sharp to notice that. Thanks, Isabel.

  3. Mary Gibson says:

    I admit I had to go over “third layer (and second reflection) is the reflection in front of me of the building in front of me in the building in back of me” twice, but you’re right. Excellent photography!

  4. Jim Taylor says:

    It makes me think of those “fun-house” mirrors, where mirror picks up the image on the next mirror, and your face goes on to infinity. As I remember it, Batman had some way of knowing which were the reflections of The Joker, and which was the real person. But why would I care, anyway?

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Jim – Well, any time you can ally yourself with Batman, you likely should. đŸ™‚

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