Home for good? Hard to say.
Home for now? Yes.
In a world where none of us are promised tomorrow, maybe it’s enough to enjoy the moment.
May you, too, be home. For now.
Home for good? Hard to say.
Home for now? Yes.
In a world where none of us are promised tomorrow, maybe it’s enough to enjoy the moment.
May you, too, be home. For now.
Aaaah. That feels better! I remember the relief I felt when our barely toddling daughter received the package containing her pink, green, and white crocheted “blankum” from a now-forgotten Holiday Inn somewhere between Florida and Ontario. Photos of her from that stage in her life feature the blankum as a wrap-around shawl, as the “frosting-on-the-cake topping on other blankets at night, as an accessory for lugging dolls and stuffies, and all bunched up as a pillow or something to hug. It was one multi-dimensional means of her shaping her own world.
Laurna – π Agency is the fancy academic word for that ability to shape our world, I understand – and the desire for it surfaces earlier than seems entirely useful – much earlier than we have any capacity to match it. But I guess the drive has to be the parent to the ability, as in most other things. This is a comment and video on toddler agency by the always delightful Dan Wuori.
Toddler agency, indeed! Charming.
Laurna – π
My son-in-law Wayne’s motto: Go for the moment; that’s what forms memories.
Tom – Smart guy.
So glad loving and loved are back together. Happy ending, which we all wish for.
Judith – π Yup.