Puddle, Sedona AZ

Everyone appreciates different things, or the same things in different ways. Sedona is one of those places that has something for everyone. Continuing this week’s theme of photographic reflections and suddenly “getting it.”


Sedona, Arizona is variously billed as a centre of vortex energy, an artists’ colony, and a place of heart-stopping natural beauty.

“Yeah, yeah,” we think, as we head north from Phoenix. “What’s so great about a bunch of red rock?” And then the first rock comes into view, rising out of the scrubby desert floor.

We’re not so much into the vortices, and not so much able to afford any of the art that we actually appreciate, but (with apologies to Meatloaf) this is a case where one outta three not only ain’t bad, it’s fabulous. I mean, even the puddles are gorgeous.

Reflection of red rock cliff in puddle on otherwise dry red stone streambed.

Striking vistas everywhere, even in the puddles.


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