Windy, Eh?

Out in The Wild, say, in the Sonoran Desert, a windy day often means fewer bird sightings, or so I have been reliably informed by qualified bird nerds. Me, I would have figured that creatures that lived outside were, you know, used to it, wind and all.

In a rookery, however, a windy day means more-artistic (artistickier?) bird sightings.

Great egret perched in tree, wind ruffling feathers

Great egret perched in tree while wind ruffles feathers

Great egret coming in for landing in tree, wind ruffling feathers on spread wings


It’s almost enough to make me forgive the great egret for the exposure challenges it presents.


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10 Responses to Windy, Eh?

  1. Tom Watson says:

    Well, I don’t know about the exposure, but the shots look pretty good to this eye.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Tom – Thanks! When the bird is so pretty, I don’t care as much about the exposure. đŸ™‚

  2. barbara carlson says:


  3. Wild and wonderful. We should all look so splendid in dishevelment!

  4. Alison says:

    Love that second shot!! could stare at that all day

  5. Jim Robertson says:

    The breeding plumage is for sure subject to wind alterations. Nice collection

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