
Drink tea? Perpetually.  Reheat tea? Naturally.

Check email? Unfailingly. Check Facebook? Intermittently.

Plan meals? Usually. Go grocery shopping? Frequently.

Track my finances? Monthly. Report GST/HST? Quarterly.

Check the weather? Diffidently. Check PGA scores? Embarrassedly.

Tidy my desk? Periodically. Organize my closet? Occasionally.

Eat the edibles? Incessantly. Pot the potables? Exuberantly.

Take out the recyclables? Publicly.  Shred the shred-ables? Privately.

Plan travel? Excitedly. Book travel? Anxiously.

Write a post? Unfailingly. Process photos?  Consistently.

Launch a knitting project? Anticipatingly. Weave in ends? Resignedly.

Load the dishwasher? Mindlessly. Start laundry? Cooperatively.

Sweep the floor? Trudgingly. Wash the floor? Grudgingly.

Weed the garden? Self-righteously. Clean the toilets? Last-ditchedly.

Brush my teeth? Routinely. Take a shower? Hey!

Will you look at that? Of all the possible postponements, there is actually something – just one thing, it looks like – that I won’t do before I’ll do my exercises.


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8 Responses to Before

  1. Tom Watson says:

    I was going to postpone replying, but then I thought, “Ah well, what the heck, do it now!”
    Fun stuff, Isabel.

  2. barbara carlson says:

    Exercise is the easiest thing to do — NOT!
    I put on a comedic video and that helps distract me from the bore of exercise.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Barbara – Yes, the easiest thing to not do, perhaps. The video – comedic or otherwise – is a good idea.

  3. Have you considered extending the Tom Swift series of boys’ adventure stories unendingly?

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Laurna – I have not. I fear my language skills lie not in that direction.

      • Jim Taylor says:

        Oh, I don’t agree. You had a pretty fair collection of “Tom Swifties” there.
        Jim T
        P.S. Didn’t you do a video of yourself doing pushups a few months ago? Here we were all waiting breathlessly (ahem) for the sequel.

        • Isabel Gibson says:

          Jim – But that’s it – I’m out! As for the exercise updates, they’re every 6 months unless I have some amazing progress to report. (Ha!) So November it is.

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