In Movement Status

Meanwhile, human body
is not recommended in movement status.

There’s a reason technical manuals and product instructions read like this.

I used to think it was because the person writing it was working in their second language. Or their fourteenth, maybe, judging by the output.

I was wrong. Well, I’ve changed my mind. I might still be wrong.

Anyway, now I think it’s because easy-to-follow technical manuals and easy-to-use product instructions are irrelevant. Good ones do not increase sales; bad ones do not decrease sales. From a business point of view, time and talent spent on them is pure cost for no benefit.

You get what you pay for.

Maybe. What is true is that if you don’t pay for something — or, more accurately, if there’s no way to signal the market that you’d actually be happy to pay for an enhanced feature (like comprehensible instructions) — then for sure you don’t get it.

So, as I skimmed once lightly over the instructions for my new gizmo — a pulse oximeter which, if I ever get really really sick with COVID-19, will allow me to track my blood oxygen levels reasonably accurately and consistently and objectively and go get medical help if I really really need it — anyway, as I scan/skimmed the instructions, I chanced on this head scratcher.

Meanwhile, human body
is not recommended in movement status.

But I decided not to scratch my head. Not to move any part of me at all, in fact. Because when measuring blood oxygen levels — just as when taking blood pressure — human body is not recommended in movement status.

Good to know.

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8 Responses to In Movement Status

  1. Tom Watson says:

    I’ve had a couple of days lately where, due to this current heat wave, “the human body is not recommended in movement status.”

    There wasn’t any instruction manual to tell me that, but I knew.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Tom – LOL Yes, I likely over-rely on manuals, being mechanically (& electrically/electronically) challenged. Sometimes, we just know.

  2. Good that there was an instruction manual. Usually companies just let us figure it out or go on Youtube. That’s probably because most people weren’t reading manuals, because just figuring it out was faster than trying to comprehend the manuals. In 5 years, children will not even recognize the word “manual”, perhaps in any of its definitions.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Judith – A good point. I have a camera manual – hard copy & pdf – but I do what you said: Google it and watch someone show me how to navigate the menus and buttons of my wee but powerful computer that takes photos.

  3. Good for you for tracking one down. I tried to in March without success. Now, I am more intent on avoiding potential sites of infection. I may be turning my attention from sewn masks to DIY N95 masks for which clear instructions are available on YouTube. They are unattractive but far more useful than the pretty, layered cloth ones, even with a filter added.

    Remain vigilant! Stay safe! Focus on your knitting!

    A vaccine must be available soon because several companies already are in human trials.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Laurna – I was provoked/encouraged by kinfolk who all had one or who had familial access to one, but I ordered online in late March, I think, and it arrived only a week or so ago. But in the meantime I have stayed safe, so all is well. Go thou and do likewise. (I did not know there were DIY instructions for N95-equivalent masks. I have a few homemade ones with a silk layer which apparently bolsters the mechanical barrier of a tight cotton weave with an electrostatic barrier and, not surprisingly, makes it harder to breathe through . . .

  4. is the video I watched. Some of the comments add interesting details. The doctor who invented this DIY mask takes the time to interact with many of the commenters, approving improvements or reminding them that this mask has not been tested by any official agency although he is confident wearing one. I’m not ready to go full bore into production but I may, depending on how the statistics shape up. We are extremely fortunate thus far to have been in a low-risk area. I suppose because we are equidistant from the major centres of Toronto and Ottawa there’s a logic to that situation. However, the spurt of cases in Kingston is a wake-up call because Belleville (our go-to shopping town) is a bedroom community for workers in the health and corrections Canada institutions for which Kingston is a hub. Several of the contacts of those infected nail-salon employees work in such places. About 500-700 contacts are under quarantine. An object lesson in how COVID-19 sweeps through populations.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Laurna – Thanks for the link. I’ll take a look. That Kingston mess is just that and yes, as you note, an object lesson. I’m hearing now that “they” think the virus might have mutated to a catchier form (“more transmissible” is how they say it). I’m hoping it has mutated (or will) to a less deadly one.

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