Raindrops Keep Falling

All summer, our weather has been “too”: Too hot. Too humid. Too wet. Too windy. Too loud. Did the weather makers misunderstand the memo about it being two-oh-two-oh?

Anyway, not even cloudbursts accompanied by too-close lightning are all bad, especially when the sun comes out all shiny before the water finishes dripping off everything.

Triplet of rain drops on twig

I couldn’t decide which crop I liked better, so you get both.

Triplet of raindrops on twig

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7 Responses to Raindrops Keep Falling

  1. Pingback: Fly Face | Traditional Iconoclast

  2. barbara carlson says:

    Two! We don’t deserve such riches! 😀 Lovely — your camera is good!

  3. Tom Watson says:

    I’d be happy with either. Both remind me of that song: Raindrops keep falling on my head, they keep falling. Happy thoughts for a Sunday morning.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Tom – Thanks. As for the song, raindrops keep falling on our heads, for sure, between our droughts! There seems to be no happy medium this year.

  4. Jim Taylor says:

    Those droplets make perfect lenses. I wonder how big you could enlarge a single droplet to reveal the upside-down view inside?
    Jim T

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