Near and far: What better way to illustrate the concepts than a Sesame Street throwback burned into my brain about 45 years ago?
Far and near: What better way to show that it doesn’t really matter where you stand, at least insofar as the red rock is concerned?
This is how I feel when I try to explain — you TAKE something TO (far) and … you BRING something BACK from far!!!!! o well. sigh
Might as well try to correct “me and him” is “He and I” aarrrrgh!
HIM has now replaced HE pretty much universally, even with journalists in interviews.
Barbara – 🙂 Oh well, indeed. The language, she changes.
Soon we’ll be saying HER changes…
🙂 Go for it.
Back here in Ottawa we are in a de-saturated world.
Barbara – Yes, shades-of-grey is my dominant impression of an Ottawa winter.
Near and far, and past present and future, get somewhat confused when you deal with quantum factors in sub-atomic physics. And with things like wormholes and time warps and what Madeleine L’Enge called “a wrinkle in time…”
I mean, when you have two quarks at opposite ends of the universe, and one is spinning clockwise and the other is spinning counter-clockwise, and they’re linked together, do near and far have any meaning any more?
Jim T
Jim T – No, maybe not. When dealing with things so much bigger or smaller than the human scale, most of our human-constrained notions lose coherence.