One and One

One is as solid as solid gets; one is almost translucent.

One operates on geological time, withstanding eons of erosion; one operates at the short end of floral time, breaking apart with the barest breeze.

One can land a chunk on your head, to significant ill effect; one can land a petal on your hand, almost unbeknownst.

Sedona’s red rocks and pink roses would seem to have nothing in common. Nothing but this: Both are fabulous.  And so is the camera in my new phone.

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4 Responses to One and One

  1. barabara carlson says:

    Wow. I can feel the softness. Good camera

  2. Confections of lusciousness. Mesmerizing yet so delicate I fear to fade them as I stare. As you muse upon one and onliness, I marvel that I, you, we can encompass these iconic contrasts between rose and red rock. I sip this cup of awe, as at Communion. And with thankfulness.

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