I’m not sure what part of Colorado John Denver had in mind, although I expect it was, well, a more mountainous part than I’m in. But the clear, crisp air and the blue blue sky made a short walk pretty spectacular even in this populated part.

Scrubby oaks, en route to brown

A pine tree with exposed roots, hanging onto the hillside for dear life

Seedpod from . . . what? A thistle?
And with no walking required at all, a graceful ending to the day.

This post opened for me on Google Chrome, not my preferred Apple Safari.
Looks dry, but then winter is coming.
Oh. The opened on Safari — just took much longer. 😀
Lovely colouring this time of year in Colorado.
Always interesting to see what finds there are in other parts of the continent. Nice selection.
Jim R – Many thanks. And yes, it *is* fun to walk in a new place.
The first seed pod looks like teasel, which I have just now learned is useful for something more important than dried floral arrangements. Your nuanced appreciation of a less dramatic environment than many you capture brings a lovely peace into the mindscape.
Laurna – It surely could be teasel. Thanks!
Beautiful pictures.
Thanks, Tom.