National Treasure #96: Cabot Trail

Driving the Cabot Trail is on my bucket list.

Well, passengering the Cabot Trail is the actual entry. My role will be to say, “Look at that!” and “Can you pull over here for a picture?” The Big Guy’s will be to say, “I’m driving” and “Not here: There’s no pullout.”

As you can see, my planning for the trip is almost complete. Using the handy official site, now all I have to do is pick:

  • A duration – You can drive it in a day, but I have to consider how many hikes the Big Guy is likely to insist we take, and how many scenic viewpoints to stop at.
  • A direction of travel – Counterclockwise (the outside lane along both coasts) is recommended for better views, braver drivers, and those prone to being irritated by slow drivers.

In a country that goes from sea to sea to sea (Yes, just three. So far.) and yet that has so much of its land mass not even withing sight of even one of those seas, a 298-km scenic coastal drive is a treasure, indeed.

How much more so that it was named after John Cabot, who landed in what is now Canada in 1497, although he likely never landed on what is now Cape Breton Island. A little absurdity is a good thing.


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4 Responses to National Treasure #96: Cabot Trail

  1. Tom Watson says:

    It’s a long time since I drove it, but it’s beautiful.

  2. Marion says:

    We did it (counterclockwise) with two youngsters of about eight and ten, in two days. That seemed to be a good pace for everyone to be able to see and do what they wanted. Highly recommended!

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