In the 3 1/2 months since I added a new category (Photos of Faces), I haven’t seen any faces on inanimate objects. No facial pareidolia for me.
But en route to a planned photo shoot of Parliament Hill at night, I looked up, and there it was. It didn’t quite make up for the -20C wind chill, but it was fun nonetheless.
Now the only question is why I haven’t seen it before. I’ve lived in Ottawa since 2002 . . .
You didn’t see it ’cause you were editing print, writing. Different skill sets.
Barbara – Yes, that could be it. I saw another face this week (on the base of a table leg) but would have had to get down on a sticky floor to get the shot, so I decided to pass. Chicken, but encouraged that I’m starting to see them.
“it’s not a sign of madness but a well-wired brain”
That reassures me!
Barry – You and me both!