Boneyard Beach on Bull/Bulls Island is a wonderful, picturesque place anytime.
At 5 AM, after a 30-minute ferry ride, a 30-minute milling and queuing period, and a 30-minute drive past startled deer on the verges of the highway, it was amazing.
Boneyard Beach on Bull/Bulls Island is a wonderful, picturesque place anytime.
At 5 AM, after a 30-minute ferry ride, a 30-minute milling and queuing period, and a 30-minute drive past startled deer on the verges of the highway, it was amazing.
Thank you for undertaking the milling and queuing on our behalf. These are quite invigorating.
Marion – You’re entirely welcome! By the time I got to that stage I had avoided collisions with two sets of deer munching along the verge, so the stress level was down considerably.