Moderation is a fatal thing.
Nothing succeeds like excess.
– Oscar Wilde, maybe
I say “maybe” because I’ve seen this attributed to Wilde, but never tracked down the source. And without the source, well . . .
In the spirit of homage to excess, then, this post stretches the week’s happenstance title theme (One X One Y) a wee bit. Moderation in all things, including moderation.
But as I look back over photos from earlier years (these are from 2014 and 2013, left to right), I’m reminded again that usually, less is more.
The longer you look, the more beautiful things — any thing — becomes.
Barbara – 🙂 Yes.
Well, that’s not exactly an example of moderation. It’s exquisitely beautiful.
Tom – Many thanks.
Beauty worth contemplation. Worthy of framing to aid contemplation.
Judith – Many thanks.