Bread Face

Some people say that everything happens for a reason.

I don’t say that. I don’t even believe that.

But I do say that if the grocery store had had sliced bread this morning, then I would not have seen this face this afternoon.

Found face on a loaf of bread.

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4 Responses to Bread Face

  1. How wonderful! Memorable and definitely one of your best. Is that a tongue sticking out mischievously? The smudge that takes on perspective as a nose emphasizes the right, beady eye. The forehead crease that almost becomes a scar rounds out the character. How did you gather the courage to take a bread knife to it?

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Laurna – “How did you gather the courage to take a bread knife to it?” LOL. I moved quickly, before I could think about it.

  2. Tom Watson says:

    I too, as did Laurna, spy the tongue sticking out.

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