Car Trees

Bless car-wash frequent flyers.

I say that as one who rarely uses a car wash; indeed, as one who rarely used one before taking up with one who uses one on my behalf, if you see what I mean.

No? Never mind. This is what needs to be clear and, blessedly, it was.

And this.

These were entirely serendipitous shots. If I had walked by even an hour later, I wouldn’t have seen these reflections: not because the angle of the light had changed, but because each car hood would have been dusted with a fine layer of pale-yellow pollen particles. Maybe from trees like these.

But, you may ask, why did I take an angled photo of stately Carolina pines? I didn’t. Here’s the uncropped (pre-cropped? crop-free? cropless?) original.

Now there are tell-tale clues in three corners indicating that this too is a car-window reflection, not just a pale hint in the upper left corner: a hint I have to be looking for, for it to even register.

So, yeah. Bless the car-wash frequent flyers. Long may they continue to support local photography.

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6 Responses to Car Trees

  1. These photos of car trees are brilliant and astonishing. I would have trouble believing what you are showing us if I had not seen “car autumn leaves” in the side doors of our van that must serendipitously to have been washed before encountering the fallen leaves’ they reflected. I do not usually think of the car I drive as a mirror of the passing parade. I do not usually think of myself as a mirror of that parade, either, but most likely I am.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Laurna – Delightful. Yes, I expect we also act as mirrors, reflecting or distorting (to good and ill effect) the things that come our way. A good reminder re being intentional – a choice our car doesn’t have.

  2. Jim Robertson says:

    Not everyone appreciates reflections, let alone even sees them.

    Thank you for reflecting them onto your camera sensor.

    The second one reminds me of pineapples

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Jim R – IKR? The palmettos here remind me of pineapples, too. I got another such photo in the side panel of an SUV in a grocery-store parking lot (after a super heavy rain the night before). The occupant was a little surprised when I got his attention and asked whether I could take a photo . . .

  3. Judith Umbach says:

    Startling photos – in content and reflective clarity. I must look harder! Thanks

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Judith – Certainly a clean car with metallic paint makes a great reflecting surface. Down with road dust!

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