Today I introduce a new category: And Another Thing. These are posts that follow up on an earlier one with something published in an external article or blog. Frequency will be determined not by me, but by what the universe sends my way. Today there are four, starting (appropriately enough) with a Big Bang of sorts.
The original: I wrote about interacting with our patient, precise, intense GPS.
The follow-up: Smithsonian had a fun and informative article on maps and on what our use of (and reliance on) GPS might be doing to our ability to find our own way around. If we ever had any such ability.
The original: I wrote (just last week!) in part about the joy of living in the age of being able to publish without intermediaries and at essentially zero cost.
The follow-up: Seth Godin, blogger extraordinaire and entrepreneur, had a short post today on this very topic.
The original: I wrote about Ron Rolheiser as one of our national treasures.
The follow-up: Here’s another of his posts worth sharing. He doesn’t always hit it out of the park, but this week he did.
The originals: This week, I posted two sets of photos taken at MosaiCanada: here, and here.
The follow-up: Capitalizing on internet time travel, this interview with MosaiCanada gardeners was broadcast before I posted my photos, but I just found it today when I was looking in vain for a link to the 1983 CBC Radio interview with Pierre Berton that they rebroadcast this morning.
Feel free to send me links to topics covered in my blogs.
I don’t promise to post them;
I do promise to look.