There’s something about sitting in a doctor’s storage-unit-sized waiting room an hour past my appointed time. “Waiting” being le mot juste and “room” being rather less apt, it’s not something good.
But at least a bathroom break — taken as much for a change of scenery as for any utilitarian purpose — gave me another face for my collection. A moose, I think, although I guess if you pulled those handles down, it would look more like a (slightly out-of-focus) spaniel. Or a beagle?
Or a Star Wars character…
Barbara – LOL – JarJar Binks! Yes, him too.
Definitely a water buffalo
Alison – Hahaha. Yes, I could buy that.
My vote was for “moose” until Barbara triggered the recollection of the misconceived Jarjar Binks (unless that is Jarjarbinks). Sigh. I will never view those funny faucets as inanimate again.
Laurna – π Yes, as they say, sometimes you can’t unsee it.
Rodney Dangerfield.
Jim T – π The slight bugginess of the eyes? I see that.
I think, from the shape of its horns, it’s a Charolais steer.
Tom – Hahaha – There you go: a suitably western theme.